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Bizarre Activities You Might See With Dementia

  1. Bizarre Activities You Might See With Dementia Teresa Youngstrom 26:49

Hello Care Partners,

There are so many examples of interesting to very bizarre activities I have seen over the years.

Today I will share a few of these examples with the hope of letting you relax and hit the pause button when it happens to you.

Sometimes they are hoarding and hiding items with the hopes of making sense of it later or maybe paranoia has set in and they feel the need to block the doors or make a plan to escape.

The important thing to remember is that your situation with your loved one or the person you care for may be different but frequently we can still accept and agree or clean up afterwards to avoid confrontations or corrections which can damage the relationship.

The relationship is still so very important, and my advice is to make a plan to bring in help before the need is critical.

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Teresa Youngstrom RN Dementia Specialist and Podcaster

Teresa Youngstrom is a season registered nurse with almost 40 years of clinical and leadership nursing experience. She is the founder and owner of She is the founder and owner of A Better Approach To Memory Care, where she provides Family consultations and a weekly podcast to share insight on caring for individuals living with dementia. The podcast is Memory Care with Teresa Youngstrom, and can be found on YouTube, Spotify or on her website,


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