Ep. 764 – A wife's forgotten birthday leads to confusion and turmoil!
- Ep. 764 - A wife's forgotten birthday leads to confusion and turmoil! Douglas B. Jones, CLU, RHU with Randy Carson of C2C Consulting 30:50
In the MLM Medicare Advantage Minute we address the following:
“Insurers Brought In $50 Billion Through Questionable Diagnoses!”
It’s an old story that never seems to end; evidence is that MA plans are fabricating “proof” of the rotten health of many of their clients, thereby earning larger payments from the US Treasury! This is known as “Upcoding”.
In the “Your Medicare Benefits 2024” we take a look at Cardiac Rehab and how Medicare would cover that if your heart problems required serious medical intervention.
Then we read a list of the top 20 hospitals in the US which have maintained pricing transparency. In my opinion, that is the last item on the mind of someone who requires hospitalization!
Toni King fields a question: Should I purchase a Medicare supplement or Medicare Advantage plan?
In the view of this reporter there is only one answer to that question.
A client writes to ask what his Medicare supplement’s next premium increase is likely to be and whether it would be time to do some shopping for a better price on a different plan, maybe using the Nevada Birthday rule?
Finally, consider the likely increase characteristics with Plan G as opposed to High Deductible Plan G as the years pass.
Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com
(Most severe critic: A+)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG
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