Episode 524 – How Free Increases Engagement, Involvement And Sales
- Episode 524 - How Free Increases Engagement, Involvement And Sales Kurt Mortensen 20:50
Obligation has been used as a persuasive technique since the beginning of time. We see companies offering free downloads, free estimates, or gifts in the hope of opening the door to persuasion. The Law of Obligation, also known as pre-giving or reciprocity, states that when others do something for us, we feel a strong need, or urge, to return the favor.
Returning the favor rids us of the obligation created by the first good deed. The adage “one good turn deserves another” is a part of social conditioning in every culture. And, even beyond that, the maxim serves as an ethical code that does not necessarily need to be taught, but is understood.
Study: Free samples increase sales, work better than end-of-aisle promotions
The Psychology of Free: Does Giving Free Samples Increase Sales?
Join me for this week’s podcast on How Free Increases Engagement, Involvement, And Sales. You will discover why giving away free products, offering free services, and using trial offers are powerful forms of persuasion. I will talk about the science and application of the freebie.