Episode 512 – The Fake News of Persuasion And Sales
- Episode 512 - The Fake News of Persuasion And Sales Kurt Mortensen 20:49
There is a big difference between a genuine question of concern and an “I’m done with you” objection. Is it a sign of interest or resistance? That is the key question. When your prospect presents every objection in the book, such outright resistance should be a red flag to you.
In other words, you are probably going down the wrong road by not properly reading your prospect. What this person is really saying is: “Go away. I have heard enough. I don’t see where or how this can help me.” Great persuaders will always have fewer objections to handle than old-style persuaders will.
Dan Ariely – Predictably Irrational
This is just one false claim of the fake news of persuasion and sales. You are taught the wrong things about accepting and handling objections. There are three other huge components to the incorrect information you are getting about influencing others.
Join me for this week’s podcast on The Fake News of Persuasion And Sales. Discover the other 3 things you have heard that hurt your ability to sell and persuade.
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