Episode 451 – World Trust Trends and Tools
- Episode 451 - World Trust Trends and Tools Kurt Mortensen 20:31
Trust is critical in persuasion. Unfortunately, we live in a day and age when people are more skeptical and mistrustful than ever. Twenty years ago, the mindset was: “I trust you; give me a reason not to.” Now the mindset is: “I don’t trust you; give me a reason why I should.” Trust is at an all-time low and still falling.
Global Trustworthiness Index 2022.
The Most And Least Trusted Professions In America
Lawyers per Capita by Country 2023
Trust is also magnified or diminished based on your occupation or profession. For example, medical professionals enjoy higher trust levels than lawyers do. An individual’s general trust of a certain industry or profession is dictated not only by experience, but also mainly by rumor and reputation (especially if they have had no direct experience with that industry). All things being equal, people will do business with and refer to those people they know, like, and trust.
Join me for this week’s podcast on World Trust trends and Tools. I will give you the numbers from around the world about who has instant high trust and automatic low trust. Once you discover where you rate, I will give you some tools to help build trust or the glue to the persuasion process.