Episode 380 – How To Sell And Persuade An Angry, Hostile And Bitter People
- Episode 380 - How To Sell And Persuade An Angry, Hostile And Bitter People Kurt Mortensen 20:33
Great influencers can create the right mood at the right time. They can put people in a happy state. When they are feeling happy, they tend to think more positive thoughts and to retrieve good experiences from memory. When they are in a negative or foul mood, they tend to think unhappy thoughts and to retrieve negative information from memory.
10 Ways to Defuse the Hostility of People Who Are Angry
What is the emotion that derails most persuasion and negotiation? That would be anger! How do you handle that angry person? How do you defuse anger and turn it into your advantage? Join me for this week’s podcast – How To Sell And Persuade An Angry, Hostile And Bitter People.
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