Episode 348 – The Death of the Elevator Pitch
- Episode 348 - The Death of the Elevator Pitch Kurt Mortensen 22:08
Your voice is your calling card. Your voice must exude confidence, courage, and conviction. We judge others by their voice: arrogant, nervous, weak or strong.
If you sound uncertain and timid, your ability be accepted as an expert will deteriorate. Your voice will either connect you with your audience or disconnect with them on a subconscious level.
What does your voice trigger in people? What words do you use that are repelling people? Your voice must be interesting and easy to listen to in order to help, rather than hinder, your ability to gain charisma and influence others.
Lemon Scent May Bolster Body Image
Discover the keys to the right way to get someone interested in you or your business. Join me for this week’s podcast on The Death Of The Elevator Pitch.