I did my first unassisted pull-ups at 61
I did my first-ever unassisted pull-up at 61 just last week, and the feeling was indescribable. Unlike finishing a half-marathon, where crowds cheer as you cross the finish line, this was a quiet, deeply personal victory—just me, fully aware of what I had accomplished.
Three years ago, a year after achieving my goal of doing a freestanding handstand, I tore my rotator cuff in the silliest way. What followed was months of excruciating pain, conflicting reports from doctors, and a long, uncertain road to recovery.
In the end, getting the right diagnosis and working with the right physical therapist relieved my pain and improved my mobility. But despite continuing to work out and modify my Yoga practice, I lost a significant amount of muscle mass and strength.
Then, in 2024, after interviewing @ginnymaccoll for @vivafifty, I set a new goal: to complete an unassisted pull-up in my 60s.
With guidance from @susanbishopyoga, I bought a pull-up bar and started doing dead hangs to build grip strength. My progress was slow—I was cautious not to reinjure my shoulder and scaled back anytime I felt discomfort. My sister, @sandracarbonell_ , encouraged me to move away from the assisted pull-up machine and gave me tips to activate the right muscle groups.
And last week, I did it! It was on my vision board for 2025, but I crossed it off in January. Now, it’s time to reset my goal for the rest of 2024—maybe four pull-ups in a row?
Apparently, only 10-20% of women (of all ages) can do an unassisted pull-up, and that percentage likely drops after 60.
For me, setting goals and working toward them is proof that I still have grit, patience, and determination. If I can do this, I can do anything!
What goal are you working toward?
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