Age is relative. Here’s why.
Age is not just a number!
If it were, my eyesight wouldn’t be shot (I had 20/20 vision until my late 40’s and now I wear contacts or glasses for everything).
If it were just a number I would not have gone through Menopause which I did not enjoy.
If it were just a number I would not potentially have fewer years ahead of me than behind me …
BUT … if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that age is relative!
So the days I get up feeling stiff, or when my fingers hurt (maybe arthritis?), etc, etc. I remind myself that in 10 more years I will think of myself now at 61 as a young person.
And THAT alone keeps me grateful and shaking off any feeling of getting old and rusty!
To anyone of any age, please please try to enjoy your age NOW.
I was “blessed” with elders who complained so much about their age, that I vowed not to do that and so far I have managed to make the best of each and every decade.
What about you?
Clothes by @chicwish
#thisis61 #flyageless #artinaging #chichwishstyle #chicwish #over30 #over40 #over50 #over60 #fiftyplusandfabulous #ageismisneverinstyle