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January 12th, 2025

Psalm 7:9 Episode 327

  1. Psalm 7:9 Episode 327 Robin Black 3:57

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Psalm 7:9 Put an end to the evil of the wicked, but establish the righteous, O righteous God who searches hearts and minds. Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure— you, the righteous God who probes minds and hearts.

Dear God, 

Your plan is always to destroy what needs to be renewed. I pray for LA, all the uncertainty and fear their minds must hold. Many refer to this time as a glimpse of Hell, ..Everything that has happened tells a story and now it’s you who is reading it out loud! . 

After what you have exposed, it’s the souls who were hurting silently that can finally breathe as it’s no longer locked in a dungeon being too afraid to come out. It’s God who has them and its safe now to tell the world your stories. 

Although it may have seemed as though the pain was never going to end. It is God that must walk before you and clear a straight path. 

It is vengeance that is His and the darkness will now feel His wrath! 

All the hidden shadows and demons are being reminded once again of the great I am! 

With every heartbreak, as painful and uncomfortable as they are; it’s the deepest wounds that gain the greatest Wisdom!

Tragedies are what seem to bring this world together, more and more will keep happening until He has our full attention. 

We all are experiencing the wrath of God, He is putting an end to all the sin and hate, and this is the only way the world will listen.

When nothing is certain, anything is possible. We may see setbacks as a bad thing, when the journey is just beginning. 

While fighting these storms, it may look like a losing battle because many of us took a chance with man and leaned on our own understanding instead of leaning on God like we’re supposed to. 

Take a look at Mother Earth…  she takes a lot of hits matter if its fire, flooded waters, if she’s erupting, or breaking apart… there is always regrowth which will never stop… 

Don’t allow what your eyes may see to keep you from growing…its dwelling that only prolongs the suffering.

God empties our cups to fill us up with plenty, lead with faith and trust him… no matter what is coming next, it’s always God’s glorious plan that always wins! 

stay blessed. 

Let’s pray for the lives lost, and those who are losing everything. God will fix it, and this too shall pass.  

©2025 Soul Healer17:77, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Any copying of this poetry and audio in whole or part is prohibited. *I do not own the rights to the royalty free music*

Music info: Cinematic Trailer Epic by Cold Cinema [No Copyright Music] / Archetype

#Psalm #Motherearth #Godswrath #Vengeance #California #LA #wildfires #Pray #catastrophe #Spokenword #podcast

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Robin Black Spiritual Poet, It's All About Healing Podcast

I have a collection of spiritual poetry that I have written and performed on my podcast, as well as coaching and guest interviews who share their stories and knowledge about facing or overcoming adversities. I have experienced immense pain and have found solace in God and the universe. Through the heartfelt words in this podcast, you will embark on a journey of healing, understanding, finding your true self, and the true meaning of this journey called life.


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