Dr. Rosemarie Rossetti, Co-Founder of the Universal Design Living Laboratory Shares Her Inspirational Story of Perseverance and Resilience
- Dr. Rosemarie Rossetti, Co-Founder of the Universal Design Living Laboratory Shares Her Inspirational Story of Perseverance and Resilience Janet Engel 50:11
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Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D, is an author, Universal Design and Aging In Place subject matter expert and a public and motivational speaker. She is the Co-founder of the Universal Design Living Laboratory. Rosemarie and her husband Mark Leder, built their home based on UD and Green Building practices. Their homes holds multiple certifications in UD, Green Building, Wildlife Habitat, and more.
Rosemarie and Mark spent 7 years doing research into the area of Universal Design. The process led to a belief that they could share their research, knowledge and home to make a significant and positive difference in the lives of others. They were passionate about finding a way to share what they had learned with others.
Please listen to learn how they made the impossible possible and how they turned tragedy into triumph. The UDLL has helped many people, building professionals, and manufacturers understand how UD is a powerful tool to living more comfortably, with dignity, and independence.
Books By Rosemarie Rossetti:
The Universal Design Toolkit
Take Back Your Life
website: https://homedesignsforlife.com/
Email: homedesignsforlife@gmail.com