Did You Know a Reverse Mortgage Can be Used to Help Older Adults Age In Place?
- Did You Know a Reverse Mortgage Can be Used to Help Older Adults Age In Place? Janet Engel, OT/L, CAPS 35:40
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Reverse Mortgages have been around for decades, however they are becoming more popular than ever before. This type of loan can be used to help Finance home improvements, new furniture, in home care, and even vacations. Of course, there are certain criteria that must be met in order to qualify for this type of loan and it may not be right for every person over age 65, nonetheless, it is an option worth exploring. Please listen to my conversation with subject matter expert Sue Haviland, CRMP, Speaker, Advocate, and Trainer- to learn more about this versatile loan product. Sue is also a Board Member of the National Aging In Place Council (NAIPC).
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