How Knowing One's Self Can Help Maximize Healing Connections & Protect You Against Burnout with Anniken Chadwick
- How Knowing One's Self Can Help Maximize Healing Connections & Protect You Against Burnout with Anniken Chadwick Jennifer George 47:49
No one will know you better than you know yourself and it’s this kind of acknowledgement that will help you maximize healing connections with clients.
In this episode, I chatted with Anniken Chadwick– a UK trained physiotherapist who focuses on pelvic health and owns The Cheerful Pelvis physiotherapy clinic. Anniken shares how she discovered somatic psychotherapy as a means to overcome burnout and improve her client rapport. Anniken is passionate about humanizing healthcare and shares with us the ways we can check in with ourselves, better understand ourselves, and better connect with our patients.
Episode Highlights:
- Feeling burnout and compassion fatigue
- Somatic psychotherapy and what it is
- Why it’s so important to keep ourselves in check and better understand ourselves
- How we can affect our clients
Connect with Anniken Chadwick:
- Website | Cheerful Pelvis
- LinkedIn | Anniken Chadwick
- The Art of Physiotherapy – Anniken’s Blog
- Instagram | @the_art_of_physio
Connect with Jennifer George:
- @bestobsessed_with_jenn | Instagram
- Jennifer George | Website
- @jenngeorge08) | Twitter
- Jennifer George | Facebook
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