1. Advice for the Solo Family Caregiver Elizabeth Miller 28:40

Caregiving happens. My upcoming guest needed to reschedule – dad in hospital. Family always comes first. I’m not as batched up with episodes as I’d like and the show must go on with a new episode every other Wednesday. So like caregiving, I pivot and haven’t done a show on this topic before.

In today’s show, I’m sharing strategies to help the family Caregiver that is or feels like they are all alone in their caregiving season. Bottom line is – being a solo Caregiver isn’t sustainable. I have yet to hear a solo caregiving success story. Typically the health (and happiness) of the family Caregiver suffers when trying to control all the aspects of caregiving plus the other family, household and career responsibilities.

Likely your plate was already full. Then heaped on caregiving responsibilities. May have seemed doable at first or you just love this family member or chosen family member so much that you wanted to do whatever it takes. Perhaps you realize this isn’t sustainable but you are in too deep.

Today I’m offering strategies to consider. Small changes add up. I believe in you. If you want to work through this together 1:1 – take me on the offer for complimentary Coaching or perhaps work with me on an ongoing Coaching basis. Schedule your complimentary session today!

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Elizabeth Miller Happy Healthy Caregiver