1. Open Heart Bypass Surgery (Part 1) -- Joe Reflects on Preparing for his Major Surgery Joe Luther and Vince Kern 36:58

This was not originally intended to be a podcast episode.  It began as an impromptu request by cohost Joe Luther to cohost Vince Kern to help him create a kind of “time capsule” recording for Joe to describe and preserve his state of mind just a few days before his open heart bypass surgery.  After recording and listening to it they decided that this very real and authentic description of Joe's preparation for such a significant surgery might be of value for others to listen to as well.    Listen as Joe describes how he decided to go forward with this surgery and then worked to overcome his fears to be in a place of relative peace and gratitude in the days before this highly invasive surgery.


Vince Kern Podcaster

Vince Kern inherited his desire for storytelling (and verbosity) from his dad and despite a family of teachers and mental health professionals wandered into a lengthy career as a technologist, journalist, newspaper editor, operations director and R&D director. He's been professionally published in every decade since 1980 and was once kicked out of gossip columnist Cindy Adams' penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park because he wouldn't give her his home phone number.