Saturday - February 15th, 2025
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Finding Objectivity in a Divided Media World with Ted Czech

Renowned journalist Ted joins us to share his compelling journey from aspiring law enforcement officer to accomplished crime writer, all while upholding a family Legacy in journalism. Through his experiences, especially during pivotal events like the California fires, Ted underscores the profound impact that journalism can have when pursued with passion and integrity. We discuss his book, "Saving the Beast," which serves as a powerful testament to his dedication to preserving the integrity of journalism amid its constant evolution. Ted’s insights on the mission of journalism provide a heartfelt reminder of the servant’s heart necessary for impactful storytelling.

We also tackle the vital issues of media transparency and accountability. Reflecting on historical media missteps, such as Janet Cooke’s fabricated report, we delve into the resulting credibility crisis and its lasting impacts on the industry. With polarizing news consumption patterns, we explore the divide between conservative and liberal media preferences and the need for objective, unbiased reporting to bridge this gap. As we ponder the role of modern Education in shaping journalism, we emphasize the necessity of objectivity, particularly in urgent situations. Wrapping up the episode, we imagine a fascinating dinner with Christiane Amanpour, Teddy Roosevelt, and Parke Godwin, sparking conversations on the future of journalism.


(01:14) Media Impact and Difference in Society (42 Seconds)

(05:59) Media Transgressions and Public Distrust (89 Seconds)

(08:49) Return to Objectivity in Mainstream Media (83 Seconds)

(15:59) Media Editorial Board Endorsements Concealed (81 Seconds)

(30:58) Promoting Podcast on Apple TV (29 Seconds)

Who better than a guy who spent 25 years as a newspaper reporter and established himself as one of the mainstream media’s harshest critics to write a book about the broken relationship between the media and the American public? Makes sense to me, but it took me a while to get to this point. You could say writing is in my blood — my mother was a newspaper reporter and photographer and before her, my grandmother as well. But I started off on a divergent path, earning a degree in criminal justice. However, once I graduated, I decided law enforcement wasn’t for me, so I got a job as a Security officer by day and pursued a second degree in journalism by night. I then parlayed my two degrees into my first job as a full-time newspaper crime reporter in 1996. Two years later, I moved from Rhode Island to Pennsylvania, working for three different newspapers in the Keystone State, all as a crime and emergency news reporter. Sensing a seismic shift in the craft and industry of journalism, I left newspapers in 2021, and now work in public relations. My first book, Saving the Beast — A Recovering Reporter Reflects on America’s Broken Media and How to Fix it — is the culmination of nearly two years of dissecting the conundrum of the media versus the public. It is my hope that readers find it educational, informative and entertaining.
My book on amazon:

#Journalism, #MediaTransparency, #Accountability, #CredibilityCrisis, #Objectivity, #Education, #NewsConsumption, #ImpactfulMedia, #CaliforniaFires, #CrimeWriting, #FamilyLegacy, #Integrity, #IndustryChallenges, #Misinformation, #ModerateMiddle, #FoxNews, #MSNBC, #BiasedReporting, #NaturalDisasters, #HistoricalMediaMissteps, #Israeli-GazaConflict, #ChristianeAmanpour, #TeddyRoosevelt, #ParkeGodwin




Steve Ramona Doing Business with a Servant's Heart

Steve Ramona discovered his calling at a young age and is now on a mission to share his secret sauce for success. He thrives on forging meaningful connections, sharing referrals, and watching people flourish.

His contagious passion for the Law of Increase makes his podcast "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart" so successful. This show is chock-full of inspiring stories about overcoming challenges and serving others.

Steve has a knack for spreading good vibes and elevating those around him. He learned from his dad that the entrepreneurial spirit is a great way to make money. I can share stories of how people serve, struggle and win. We all must overcome something, so why not learn to serve and overcome it much faster? I learned early working in our Health Club the importance of customer service. I learned that the more I served it was a win-win for everyone. I enjoy working with people, referring people, and helping people grow. The Law of Increase is my mission when I network around the world.

I love to mentor business people and offer all the resources I have. To win, you must grow yourself first; then, you can share this with others! I am an avid reader and have built a large book directory on sharing with others.


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