From Acupuncture to modern medicine, you can do it right!
Dr. Tom Ingegno DACM, MSOM, LAC. has been providing customized, whole-body acupuncture treatments for a wide range of health conditions since 2001. Tom is passionate about providing treatment that is aimed not only at alleviating symptoms but improving his patients’ overall quality of life.
His passion to help others has to lead to many accomplishments. Here are a few:
Cohost of Irreverent Health Podcast
Author of You Got Sick-Now What? and The Cupping Book: Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of Healing
Best Acupuncturist in Baltimore- Baltimore City Paper 2010
Chair of the Maryland State Board of Acupuncture 2013-2021
Former Director of Acupuncture, Nava Health and Vitality Centers
Director of communications for Edo Kai (Now LITASG) bringing in world-famous practitioners to the US- 2002-2006
Author of You Got Sick – Now What?
Adjunct Professor at two prestigious Oriental Medicine colleges in NY 2003-06 (PCOM and NY College of Health Professions)
Certified Animal Acupuncturist 2006
Multiple TV appearances covering a wide variety of health issues and treatments
Published multiple times in North American Journal of Oriental Medicine
Frequently quoted in articles in various media outlets
Acupuncture Detox Specialist – National Acupuncture Detox Association
Lecturing and teaching about Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine throughout Maryland
Trained in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Meditation
David Watson Podcast
Full length episodes with guests.