1. 675: Write Yourself a Swimming Pool Jeff Heggie 6:13

Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

675: Write Yourself a Swimming Pool

Accomplish More In The Next 90 Days Than You Have In The Entire Past Year…


Paul McCartney and John Lennon use to say “Let’s write ourself a swimming pool” when they were writing the songs for the Beatles.

Robert Kiyosaki says not to say, “I can’t afford it.” Rather, say “How can I afford it.”

What’s your vision?

What do you really want?

How can you use that to motivate you?

Dan Sullivan, Wanting What You Want

“Needers compete for scarce resources and opportunities, while wanters are involved in the continual expansion of cooperation among abundance-minded individuals.”

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Get your Mindset Journal and Bonus at https://jeffheggie.com/mindsetjournal

A big part of the Mindset Journal is the Mindset Questions, which you can get for FREE at https://jeffheggie.com/mindset

Jeff Heggie Success Coach

Jeff Heggie is an entrepreneur, success coach, and mortgage specialist with a passion for helping others achieve their biggest dreams. Jeff teaches people to become optimal performing entrepreneurs. He starts with a focus on mindset. Taking his client or their business to the next level always begins with the right mindset.

Jeff enjoys using his extensive experience in the banking industry, over twenty years as an entrepreneur, plus his training and experience as a coach to help his clients break through the mental and physical barriers that hold them back.