Canada. It's Time for Extraordinary
- Canada. It's Time for Extraordinary Tony Chapman 4:37
This is a special edition three-minute Chatter That Matters. Canada’s Economy and sovereignty are being threatened—not with weapons but with tariffs. This isn’t the time for political grandstanding, showboating, posturing, or scoring points.
This is the time for the extraordinary.
RBC sponsors my podcast, and this weekend, I had the privilege of reading a note that their President and CEO, David McKay, sent to all employees. RBC didn’t ask me to do this, they aren’t paying me to do this, I am reading his letter to you in the hope that you listen.
This is the type of leadership our country needs.
In his note, David McKay focuses on Canada, America, and you and me—our lives and livelihoods, our communities, and our continent—and on making Canada’s destiny a matter of choice, not chance. It’s about positivity and possibility.
Please listen to it and share it. His remarks deserve a much wider audience, spanning our private and public sectors without geographic or partisan boundaries or biases.
Canada. It’s time for extraordinary.