3 Step System to Master the Art of the Referral Ask with Brandon Barnum
- 3 Step System to Master the Art of the Referral Ask with Brandon Barnum Candy Messer 32:22
Let me tell you about my fascinating guest today, Brandon Barnum. After becoming a single father, Brandon displayed remarkable Innovation in 1997 by showcasing Real Estate listings for partnering realtors. However, he truly transformed his career when he mastered the art of referrals. This catapulted his income from $20,000 to $200,000 within only 18 months! Brandon leveraged this knowledge to close over $500 million in referral-based deals and build impressive referral platforms connecting over 5 million members across 195 countries. His inspirational success story highlights the immense potential of referrals for boosting income and expanding global networks. So how did Brandon unlock the power of referrals? He shares his origin story and proven techniques for mastering referral marketing. You'll discover why referrals dramatically increase hiring rates and profitability compared to traditional leads. Brandon also explains how to feel comfortable asking for referrals by viewing it as service, not selling. Additionally, Brandon reveals his simple 3-step system for the art of the referral ask. He provides scripts for effortlessly setting the stage, listening for triggers, and asking to help more people. You'll learn how to create a wow experience that delights clients and earns endless referrals. Want to 10x your income by building a powerful referral network? Don't miss this game-changing conversation! Check out the show notes for bonus content on boosting referrals through Technology, co-marketing campaigns, and more. #TechReferrals #ClientConnections #EntrepreneurialTech #ReferralMarketing #TechnologyInBusiness #ClientReferralStrategies #TechSavvyEntrepreneur #BusinessReferralNetwork #DigitalReferralRevolution #EntrepreneurialInsightsÂ
Key MomentsÂ
00:00:03 – Brandon's Success Story Â
00:04:26 – The Art of the Ask Â
00:09:02 – Technology and Referral Networks Â
00:10:53 – Being a Referral Scout Â
00:12:55 – The Difference Between Leads and Referrals Â
00:13:16 – Referrals vs. Leads Â
00:14:55 – Assessing Fit for Referrals Â
00:16:21 – Specificity in Targeting Â
00:19:10 – Using Technology to Reach Target Audience Â
00:23:30 – Building Relationships with Bank Code Â
00:27:05 – Understanding Personality Types for Better Connections Â
00:28:14 – Free Resources for Self-Assessment Â
00:30:00 – Being a Charity Champion Â
00:31:49 – Goal Setting for Success Â
Resources: https://affordablebookkeepingandpayroll.com/resource-opt-in
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