Learning Throughout A Caring Season
- Learning Throughout A Caring Season Rayna Neises 27:26
Host, Rayna Neises, visits with Deb Kelsey-Davis the cofounder of Nourish for Caregivers and Sagacity.care. Deb has spent her whole life as a caregiver in different forms. She shares her experiences and Wisdom in today's episode:
- Don't put on a superhero cape and expect to do it all
- How prayer can be instrumental in a Caring Season
- Using the lessons of Caregiving to handle the frenzy of the Corona Virus
- Your No can equal a Yes for someone else which can be a blessing for them
- Allowing others to share in the journey benefits your loved one
- Bringing humor into the tough stuff helps to lighten the load
- Nourish for Family Givers is offering online support groups, learn more at Nourishforcaregivers.com
- Caregiving is never perfect but you can get better each day
Visit www.NourishforCaregivers.com to learn more about the FREE online support group meetings.
Sagacity.care- Where they provide solutions that empower consumers, patients and their caregivers to partner more effectively with their health care providers.