Choice Management & Finding Harmony
- Choice Management & Finding Harmony Rayna Neises 25:18
This week, Rayna Neises, your host, talks with Nicole Kalil. Nicole is a keynote speaker, coach, and podcaster. She spent most of her professional life with a large company where she became the first woman ever promoted to Chief Development Officer. Nicole has a passion for eliminating gender expectations and provides her insight into developing productive women within organizations. She speaks about how to win at work, at home, and as a team. Maintaining harmony and her different roles of mother, wife, and business owner is an ongoing challenge and time management, or what Nicole prefers to call choice management, is an increasingly important skill. She shares the following insights:
- Time is fixed and neutral, and therefore we are not really managing time. Instead, we are managing the choices that we make with the time that we have.
- You may not always have control in a situation, but you do have a choice of how you respond, what you do, and how you invest your time.
- Think about the three E – F- F words related to getting things done:
- Effort
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Multitasking costs us time.
- Instead of trying to achieve work/life balance, think about finding harmony.
- Be fully present, engaged, and guilt-free, right where your feet are.
- Remember that it is never as good as it looks from the outside looking in.