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January 30th, 2025

Parents LOVE This baby Food!

The feedback session highlights positive consumer reactions to new baby food products.
We have gotten a lot of feedback. So generally, you know, we receive happy notes of like, of joy and the fact that their kid, they can’t believe their kid is eating Pad Thai. They can’t believe their kid is eating Tico. Why didn’t I do this before? And especially getting, you know, notes from parents of kids that are a little bit outgrown, you know, they’ve outgrown the stage of global, you know, wishing that this was here earlier. I have not heard of any reactions reactions to the allergens, but that very well could be a possibility because if you were just to give a kid a spoonful of peanut butter, be the same situation, right?

Matthew Gray Matthew Gray is 50 Tastes Of Gray

I've led an uncommonly delicious and colorful life. Traveled with the Eagles, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac. Lifelong chef and radio guy.

Creator/Founder of Hawaii Food Tours.

What can I fix you to eat, my friend?


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