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January 30th, 2025

Baby Food: Is it as Good as Mother’s Milk?

The video discusses the nutrient comparison between mother’s milk and baby food.
The breakdown on mother’s milk, which would be the product or the food that the baby would have prior to starting global, is I guess the macronutrient breakdown is somewhat in the 50 percent carbohydrate, ten to 15 percent protein and about 30 to 40 percent fat, somewhere in that range. Is that something you looked at, the nutrient breakdown in mother’s milk and what your product would need to have and how it would work?

Matthew Gray Matthew Gray is 50 Tastes Of Gray

I've led an uncommonly delicious and colorful life. Traveled with the Eagles, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac. Lifelong chef and radio guy.

Creator/Founder of Hawaii Food Tours.

What can I fix you to eat, my friend?


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