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Why Delegating Is The Key To Achieving Your Strategic Goals &Raquo; Ablogpostimageaboutdelegatingwork

Why Delegating is the Key to Achieving Your Strategic Goals

Designed by Michael D. Levitt If executives want to build companies that are resilient to recurring changes, they must learn how to delegate effectively. Yet a lot of executives find it difficult to delegate, either because they worry about ceding control or because they feel overburdened with tactical responsibilities. This article will examine three essential […]

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What Happens If You Forget To Do A Booster Shot To Your Child? &Raquo; Laptop 1

What Happens if You Forget to Do a Booster Shot to Your Child?

5/5 – (1 vote) Being a new mom can be overwhelming, and keeping track of all the vaccinations and shots that your little one needs can be quite daunting. However, one thing that should not be forgotten is the immunity boost shot, also known as the booster shot. The immunity boost shot is crucial in […]

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The Greatest Transition Of Wealth &Raquo; File 39

The Greatest Transition of Wealth

In the next 10 – 15 years, we’re going to see the greatest transition of wealth in the history of our country. It’s when most of the Baby Boomers will be looking to sell or transition their businesses. It’s estimated that Boomers own over $60 Trillion of wealth in their private businesses. I discuss this […]

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The Hippocratic Oath &Raquo; 20170306 173250 3

The Hippocratic Oath

The Hippocratic Oath is a well known oath that has been taken by healthcare professionals such as doctors and nurses for centuries. It is a pledge to uphold certain ethical standards in order to provide the best possible care for patients. One of the lines in the Hippocratic Oath is “If I betray these words, […]

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What To Do If You Find A Tick On Your Dog &Raquo; Medi 1

What To Do If You Find a Tick On Your Dog

5/5 – (1 vote) Our beloved pets are very susceptible to tick bites and the health of thousands of dogs across the United States are impacted each year due to a number of tick-related diseases. Left unnoticed and untreated, these bites can lead to very serious and painful symptoms for your beloved pet and even […]

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Living To 100 And Beyond The Seniorscape™ &Raquo; File 3

Living to 100 and Beyond The SeniorScape™

A friend sent me the Sunday April 2, 2023 Boston Globe Article by Raiani Romani entitled: “Want to Live to 150? The World Needs More Humans” stating that the world has a problem with underpopulation. While I have never approached the topic of living to an advanced age from the underpopulation point of view, I […]

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Bearly True &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Bearly True

While waiting in a doctor’s office last week, I came across this article in the January 30/February 6 edition of Time: “How India Became the Most Important Country in the Climate Fight”. The article noted the difference between the poor state of Jharkhand, in east India, that mines coal (bad) — and Rajasthan, a state […]

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At Least Acknowledge Me Before You Ghost Me &Raquo; At Least Acknowledge Me Before You Ghost Me 150X150 1

At Least Acknowledge Me Before You Ghost Me

Sure. Coming out of the COVID pandemic, many businesses are still having difficulties hiring enough employees to properly service their customers. I understand that. Acknowledge Me Before You Ghost Me. But, if that’s the case, at least find a few seconds to acknowledge the customers who enter your door, regardless of how busy you are. […]

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