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Innovative Technologies To Streamline Your Business &Raquo; Unsplash Image Im7Lzjxelhg

Innovative Technologies to Streamline Your Business

@alesnesetril Is your business struggling to keep up with the demands of modern technology? Are you still relying on outdated systems and manual processes? It’s time to step into the future and embrace innovative technologies that can streamline your operations, increase productivity, and improve your bottom line. Wondering why? These cutting-edge tools can help you […]

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Threats to a comfortable retirement lifestyle

 Over the past few months, I have been reading about three forces—inflation, the baby boomer great retirement trend, and new regulations. First, there’s inflation. It’s understandable to have concerns about inflation, the cost of retirement, and the cost of potential new government regulations. However, it’s important to note that there are many factors that can […]

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The Mahagunas | My Guides On The Journey Home To Myself &Raquo; 49224792187 Caf8Da4690 C1

The Mahagunas | My guides on the journey home to myself

  by Guest Contributor: Devon Ray Battaglia I was first introduced to the mahagunas nearly a decade ago as part of a yoga teacher training. I was instantly intrigued, however not fully ready to be their apprentice at that point in my life. So, I’d file them away until becoming reacquainted during my Ayurvedic Health […]

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How Employers Can Support Employee Mental Health &Raquo; Unsplash Image Fzqxofjytie

How Employers Can Support Employee Mental Health

@martzzl Effective leaders have traditionally placed a high priority on employee well-being. But now that the COVID-19 epidemic has arrived, it’s more important than ever to provide workplace mental health care. In addition to addressing the difficulties of remote work and other pandemic-related pressures, many managers and CEOs are looking at new strategies for promoting […]

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Pushing Past Fear &Raquo; Shutterstock 379559665 300X200 1

Pushing Past Fear

I bought CeCe a beautiful pink outfit for our anniversary which she packed and carried on our recent business trip to California. How do I know it was beautiful? She kept this one — ha! When we returned home, she unpacks the new outfit — which she still had not worn — tags still attached. […]

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Self Focus Part 2 &Raquo; 20170306 173250 3

Self Focus Part 2

Self-focus, also known as self-awareness, self-discovery, or self-examination, is an essential and invaluable aspect of personal growth and development. It involves taking the time to understand ourselves, our beliefs, values, strengths, weaknesses, and emotions. It provides us with the opportunity to evaluate our choices, progress, and achievements against our goals and aspirations. Here are some […]

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My Sense Of Smell And Migraine &Raquo; Unsplash Image C Zwltpserc

My Sense of Smell and Migraine

Migraine illness is a bad relationship from which I cannot escape. The best I can do is figure out ways to live with this difficult, fickle creature that controls much of my life. Over the past several decades, I’ve learned a few things to help manage my disease: Don’t eat too much. Don’t eat too […]

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6 Tips For Senior Brain Health &Raquo; Tips For Brain Health

6 Tips for Senior Brain Health

Hi. I’m Connie. As a serial “Grandmapreneur®”, I speak to retirees or soon-to-be retirees on the benefits of pursuing entrepreneurship in retirement. This blog post will explain how to care for your brain health, which you will need as you consider starting a business. 6 Tips To Improve Your Brain Health As you age, cognitive […]

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