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Surefire Ways To Safeguard Your E-commerce Business From Hackers

Surefire Ways To Safeguard Your E-Commerce Business From Hackers &Raquo; Unsplash Image 5Hymx0Di55Y


E-commerce offers excellent business prospects, with more and more shoppers embracing the ease of online shopping. You can launch with minimal investment by setting up a website and spreading the word. However, the domain is competitive and challenging, so you must get your facts right before diving in. Hacking attacks are often an overlooked aspect, but they can have far-reaching implications. 

You may face more than financial losses due to data loss, fraud, and downtime. Losing customer data translates into the loss of consumer trust and business reputation. Even worse, you may end up facing penalties for non-compliance. But a preventive approach can save you from all the trouble. Here are a few surefire ways to safeguard your e-commerce website and business from hackers. 

Choose a secure platform

Choosing a reliable e-commerce platform is your first line of defense against hacking attacks. Look for one that leverages a sophisticated object-oriented programming language because it will be inherently safe. Check the security features of the e-commerce platform to ensure that the backend is inaccessible to attackers. Also, a robust authentication system can be a plus to keep unauthorized users at bay. You can do your homework or seek recommendations while picking your platform from the outset. 

Use SSL certificates

An SSL certificate can make your website hack-proof, and it is all the more crucial for e-commerce businesses that require online transactions from buyers. SSL certificates authenticate the identity of your business in the first place. They also encrypt the data in transit, which hardly leaves a margin for the theft of financial information during the checkout process. The best thing about having an SSL security seal is that buyers trust your website and business enough to transact online.

Skip storing sensitive data

Another effective measure to protect your e-commerce business from hacking attacks is to avoid storing sensitive data. You have no valid reason to store confidential information like credit card details. In fact, storing them can land you in a fix for flouting PCI standards. Purge old records from your database and retain a minimal amount of data, only for your customers at checkout. The fewer data you store, the smaller your risk.

Hire an ethical hacker

Hiring an ethical hacker can protect your business against a hacking attack. These professionals think like real hackers, so they are in a good place to see the most unexpected vulnerabilities and flaws. The great thing about hiring a hacker is that they are on top of the latest and most sophisticated hacking techniques. You can easily find a hacker for hire to test your online store inside and out and detect the possible entry points. They can even suggest ways to seal these weak areas and secure your website for good. 

Require strong passwords

As an e-commerce retailer, you are responsible for securing customer information on the backend. However, you cannot do much about buyers missing out on securing their data and accounts. But you can go a step ahead with security by educating customers about password safety. Requiring robust passwords with a mix of characters, numbers, and symbols is a good start. You can also set up complex logins, as they often deter criminals from breaching your site from the front end. 

Monitor your site regularly

Setting up a good-looking and functional online store gives your e-commerce business a great start. But you cannot get complacent with its security because attacks may happen unexpectedly. Continuous monitoring can keep it safe from hackers. Performing regular PCI scans, setting up alerts to pick suspicious activities, and patching your systems are some effective measures to secure your site. Ensure DDoS protection and mitigation to prevent DDoS attacks on your store. Providing security training to your employees also keeps you ahead of threats. 

Layer your security

Another surefire top to protect your business from cybercriminals is to layer your security. Start with firewalls because they can stop attackers before they breach your network and access your critical information. Also, add extra security layers to your website and applications, such as login boxes, contact forms, and search queries. You can rely on these measures to safeguard your e-commerce environment from application-level attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS) and Structured Query Language (SQL).

A growing number of hacking attacks is a warning sign for e-commerce businesses. Even as security risks abound, you can stay ahead of them with a few simple measures. Follow these tips to keep hackers and attackers at bay and protect your reputation in the long run.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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